Capital Campaign -
Making History Count
Supporters Over Age 70½: You can give any amount (up to a maximum of $100,000) per calendar year from your IRA directly to a qualified charity such as Holy Family School WITHOUT having to pay income taxes on the money. A donation directly from an IRA is a wonderful way to make or complete a pledge.
To donate to the capital campaign, please scan the QR code or click HERE
Prayer for Holy Family School
Jesus, Mary, and Joseph, bless our school project. Help us to be instruments of unity and peace.
Grant that our love, strengthened by grace, will guide the growth of our school
where each child is a gift.
May we always have God at the center of our hearts and our school. Holy Family pray for us. Amen.
Capital Campaign
​​Join us in this opportunity to advance Catholic
education. Together, we can set a shining example
for catholic schools across the country. Your
support for this capital campaign, even if it’s only
a simple prayer, a moment of your time or a
humble gift, has the potential to move our school
into the next phase of its history. In so doing, we
will continue a legacy of learning rooted in
Catholicism while meeting the needs of a diverse